Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Poster from mimifroufrou.com

Stars: 4 out of 5

Rating: R

Long, boring block of text: Usually, I have a very strict no horror movie policy. I scare easy. Since the name of the movie includes the word murderer, I barely even had the guts to watch it. But since it also had the word perfume in it, I was curious enough to be brave, and blindly gave it a try (read: I checked it out on Wikipedia first to make sure it wasn't too frightening).

Turns out once I started watching it I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. The main character is a guy named Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born with an incredible sense of smell. So incredible, that in one scene, he lies down next to a pond and mutters to himself about how he can smell frog eggs two feet under the water. Nice.

But weirdly enough, even with Grenouille's total lack of social skills (the other kids at the orphanage throw stuff at him while he sniffs dead things) and creepy demeanor, it's hard not to feel a bit sympathetic towards him. He doesn't talk much, and has no friends. His first murder was even by accident!

The movie has an intriguingly creepy plot that, refreshingly, involves no sawing of limbs, psychos in masks, or missed calls. Definitely worth watching.. the ending will leave you dumbfounded.



  1. I really liked this movie too - don't forget the scene with the perfume and the giant orgy.

  2. jackie! so one of my best friends RAVES about this movie, but i'm with you in that i hate horror movies, and i always refused to watch it!
    but i think you've just convinced me otherwise...

  3. haha, goodwill hunting IS the name of a movie (hence the mildly witty title)! maybe you will end up reviewing it?? =].
    though i like that you're reviewing movies i haven't heard of...
