Monday, March 9, 2009

The Plan


This is my blog.

It's actually a project for my journalism class. Everyone is starting a blog and they are required to post in it once every day for a month. I decided that I would make my blog about movies and what I think about them. This includes all movies, whether they're old, new, good or bad.

Hopefully these posts will make it a little easier next time someone's bored to death some night and can't pick a movie to watch. Or at least help them avoid the pain that comes with spending $2.99 to rent a movie on iTunes (or wasting one hour illegally downloading it for free) only to find out that it's horrible, since I will have suffered through it first and warned the world on my blog!
So..I'm kind of a hero.



  1. jackie, you are a hero...
    i cannot find a nobler cause.
    fight on, brave knight!!

  2. I was about to post a mildly sarcastic remark regarding your heroicness, but read Beckie's comment and decided anything I said would pale in comparison.

    So, instead, you get a couple lines describing my thought process, isn't that nice?

  3. you are a hero!!
    i definitely look forward to your reviews!
